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Add Files to a Project

First, let's access the project's edit page, note that if you just created your project you directly be taken to the correct page and can therefor skip that part.

Then, head over to the projects page and find your project. Then click the cog icon to access the settings.


Head over to the Add files tab. Here you will see 2 different drop zones, sources and resources, let's talk about those before actually adding the files.

Sources are the non-moving files of the viewer, usually this is where you will drop your main point cloud(s) and shape files.

Resources are the movable files of the viewer, this is where you will want to drop your 3D models and smaller point clouds (the ones that you want to be able to drag around). You can also drop any type of file in the resources, PDFs, Images, Excel tables and so on. These will be separated from the viewer resources upon treatment and put in an 'other files' category.

To add files to the project simply drag and drop them onto the corresponding zone or click on the zone, this will open a windows (or mac) browser that will allow you to select files that you wish to import. You can find the allowed file types in this article.


First, let's talk about the sources options. In the image below, you have all sort of examples :

  • RCP / RCS files (zip format) : To import an RCP project, follow this dedicated article.
  • Shape files (zip format) : Simply add all the files related to the shape in a zip file and check the Shape Zip button. The zip should contain at least 3 files, the SHP, the SHX and the DBF. Make sure those 3 files all have the same name.
  • Other : literally any type of file, most likely as zip file, as files that are not included in the allowed list will be rejected.
  • Keep E57 : In the case of an RCP project that originated from an E57, you can decide to keep the original E57.
  • Generate RCP : If the file is a .las or a .e57, you can select to create an RCP file out of it when uploading the data.
  • Save origin file : When uploading a file, we use processes to make it compatible with our viewer. If you do not check that option, the original file will be deleted, and you will not be able to retrieve it. (You will still be able to make zone exports in the viewer to retrieve the data, however it will not be the original file, so to speak).


Onto the resources. 

  • RCP / RCS files (zip format) : To import an RCP project, follow this dedicated article.
  • 360° images : If your source file did not contain the project images, you can add them afterward using the resource drop zone, keep in mind that the source file will have to be fully send and validated before you can upload the images that go with it. For more information on the 360° images importation, read this article.
  • Mesh (textured) / Other : If you are uploading a textured Obj, check this box, learn more about textured objects in this article.
  • Keep E57 : In the case of an RCP project that originated from an E57, you can decide to keep the original E57.
  • Generate RCP : If the file is a .las or a .e57, you can select to create an RCP file out of it when uploading the data.
  • Save origin file : When uploading a file, we use processes to make it compatible with our viewer. If you do not check that option, the original file will be deleted, and you will not be able to retrieve it. (You will still be able to make zone exports in the viewer to retrieve the data, however it will not be the original file, so to speak).


If you want to receive an email once your files have been uploaded, you can switch the option. Then click Send files to start the importation process, make sure to stay on this page while the files are being sent, when every single file has reached 100%, you can leave the page and wait for the email to arrive.


If you didn't check the email option, you can come back to this page and check out the files tab to see your files' status.


If you have any problem or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact the platform's team.