

Load source/resources in the viewer

In this article, you'll learn how to add assets in the viewer.


While your default sources will be visible in the viewer, you need to import additional resources.

To achieve this, open the project menu and click on the "+" button.

Navigate to the Project Models tab. Here, you'll encounter a comprehensive list of all the assets incorporated into your project. Locate the specific asset you want to import, and click on "Add to app" to access the importation menu.

You have the option to choose between two importation modes.
The standard mode will utilize the georeferenced position of the object if the switch is enabled. Otherwise, it will appear in front of your current position. Click "Import" to confirm your choice.

The second option allows you to manually determine the coordinates at which the item will appear. These coordinates correspond to the item's origin point. Click "Import" to confirm your choice.

In this instance, I have opted for the first option, retaining the original position. As evident, the model aligns seamlessly with the point cloud.


Additionally, you have the capability to import primary objects and models directly from Sketchfab. For more detailed information, refer to the following articles:

  • Primary objects
  • Sketchfab import

If you run into any issues, our support team is here to help. Happy exploring!

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Editor : Alexis Helper
Creator : Alexis Helper
Last modification : 25/03/2024

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