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Load Sources/Resources in the Viewer

Although your default sources are visible in the viewer, you need to import additional resources.

To achieve this, open the project menu and click the "+" button.

Go to the Project's Templates tab. Here you will come across a complete list of all assets incorporated into your project. Locate the specific asset you want to import and click "Add to app" to access the import menu.


The new object import window will appear when you add a model to the viewer. This will help you preview the size, rotation and position of your model.

First, you can change your template name if you want.


Second, you will be able to define the size and rotation of your model.

The File unit will allow you to quickly adapt the size of the model. Sometimes the scale of the model will be correct, but the unit will need to change to suit the project, for example, a model made by a French, may need to be set to "m" to have it right at scale.

You can also switch to rotating the model along its 3 axes, X, Y and Z

And finally, if the change of unit did not work, you can directly edit the scale, in my current case, the model is based on the point cloud, the scale is therefore the right one, as is the rotation.


In the position settings, you will have the choice to place the model in different positions:

  • Actual position of the model : You must use this option if your object is georeferenced
  • In front of the camera : it will place the model in front of you
  • Custom spot : You can manually enter the coordinates

You can use the manual placement option to temporarily close the window, then you can double-click anywhere in the viewer to set the position, click on the message at the bottom right of the screen to open the object import window. The location where you double-clicked will be automatically populated in the editable fields, and custom spot mode will be activated.


On the right you will find your preview, with your model right next to a human model, the human model is there to give you a size reference. It will not be loaded into the viewer with your model.

At the top, you will find a summary of the dimensions of your model.

At the bottom left, you'll find a switch, allowing you to center your camera on either the model or the human model. You can move freely within the preview, these buttons will simply allow you to reset your view.

At the bottom right you will find the compass, which we know from this article.


Once you're ready, click "Import Object" Don't worry, you will still be able to change the model's position, rotation size, and even the name, after importing it. You can follow this article to learn more about interacting with resources.

In this case, I opted for the first option, maintaining the initial position. As is evident, the model aligns perfectly with the point cloud.


Additionally, you have the option to import primary objects and objects directly from Sketchfab. For more information, see the following articles:


If you run into any issues, our support team is here to help. Happy exploring!