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Compare your point cloud with a 3D model

Note that this tool is not free to use, for each use you will need to trade tokens, buy tokens, access your trade management page or follow this article .


The point cloud / model comparison allows you to compare a point cloud with one or more models. This tool helps you see if the model you created is close to the real item. It should be remembered though that a percentage of 100% is not achievable, as the scatter plot may sometimes have points in the wrong place (noise).

This feature is also available as server-side scanning, we will cover both solutions. Server side comparison does not compare all models, so far only IFCs can be used and you can only use one per analysis, nor can you select only part of the point cloud to be analyzed, the chosen point cloud will be completely analyzed. On the other hand, the server-side analysis saves your result, so you can retrieve it in 1 click the next time you open your project.

Let's see how to start a server-side analysis (only compatible with IFC files):

Open the scan menu and click on the server icon , this will open the server-side scan window.


In this window you will have to select, which point cloud you want to analyze and the density that needs to be analyzed , the smaller the spacing (handle on the right), the longer it will take, but the more precise you will be. Then select the model you want to analyze, as mentioned earlier, on the server side, you can only select one model. Finally, start the scan and wait for it to be done, this may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the area to be scanned and the density.


To load a server-side scan, reopen the server-side scan window and select the scan you want to load. You may need to reload the list using the button on the left. Once you have selected your analysis, load it . It will only take a few seconds for it to appear.


This is where the browser side and the server side come together. Now you have a new window open, let's start by focusing on the scan range . Click the i icon to open this article. You can move the 2 points with your mouse to adjust the tolerance. You will see that this will change the visual on the scatter plot as well as the validation percentages . Additionally, it is also possible to change the values after clicking on one of the dots by using the up or right arrow to increase the value by 1.00 or the down or left arrow to decrease the value. In the end, you can click the numbers to input the targeted value directly.

The color palette ranges from red (outside the tolerance on the outer side) to blue (outside the tolerance on the inner side, i.e. points that actually lie in the model). Through yellow, green, and cyan, with those closest to green being the most perfectly aligned points on the model.


We've now hidden the model, just to make sure we see the analysis clearly. We can now talk about display modes.

The first is the default mode which shows all the analysis.


The second displays only the points that concretely correspond to the tolerance .

You can also see that 2 more dots appeared, the one inside controls the color gamut, the 2 outside controls the display of dots.


Finally, the last option displays only the points that do not meet the tolerance .



The percentages we give you are indicative values , they cannot be taken for granted and are just there to give you an idea of the similarity between the point cloud and the models.

Let's see how to start a browser-side scan:

Open the analysis menu and click on the cloud icon , this will open the browser-side analysis window.


In this window you will have to select, which point cloud you want to analyze and the density that needs to be analyzed , the smaller the spacing (handle on the right), the longer it will take, but the more precise you will be. If you want to analyze only part of the project, you can select a clipping area if you already have one or create a new one for this purpose. Then select the models you want to analyze. Finally, start the analysis and wait for it to be done, it may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the area to be analyzed and the density.


In case of problems or difficulties, do not hesitate to contact the platform team