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Zone export

Exporting zones is one of the main features of the viewer.

To open the export zone menu, click the download icon and then select the first option.

A new window and a clipping box appeared, click in the viewer anywhere close to the zone you wish to export to drop the zone, then, close the Zone export window, we will be taking care of this later on.


If the points inside the box are not displayed in a blue color (see image below), then you must go ahead and change the display mode as it is linked to the regular clipping box. To do so, open the clipping menu and select the second display option.


Once that is dealt with, place the box in a way that it includes everything you wish to export, no more, no less. Then open the scene menu and select your zone export.

Scroll down that menu, you will find the box position (center), its rotation and dimensions. You will also find the orthoimage option as well as a button to reset the orientation to 0 on all axes, that does not reset the size or position. Finally, you will find a trash icon to delete the box.


But the option that is really interesting here is the export button. Click it to reopen the window that we closed earlier. Here you can decide what the name of the file is going to be. There are 2 ways of exporting the data, let's check out each of those.



Browser export :

The browser export will allow you to do a quick export, but it will not export all points. In the select you can decide on a level of detail, from 1 (low level) to 5 (high level), the higher the level, the more points will be exported but the longer it will take. Our recommendation is to use the custom option. When using the custom option, it will try to export all points, and you will be able to see how many points have already been exported, then just click finish when you feel like you have enough points to finalize the export. 

In the browser export, the file will be directly downloaded on your computer, and it will be a .LAS file.


Server export :

The server export will allow you to fully export the zone that you selected, it will however take a little longer. The other advantage of the server export is that you can select the format you wish to use (LAS, E57 or RCP). Then click Begin Export to start the process. You do not have to keep the project open for that process to continue.


Once the file is done, you will receive an email telling you to open your project to download the file. You will find it in the project's edit page and go to the files tab.


Scroll down to the zone export category, here you will find all of your previous exports as well as the one that was just made. If you go to this page before the export is done, you will find a pending status, once the process is over the status will be validated. To download the file, click on the download icon, if you don't want to keep the file on the platform, you can click the trash icon to delete it.


In case of any problem or difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact the platform's team.