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How to create annotations (BCF)?

Annotations are a big part of a project, in our case they can be used to manage tasks, identify important points and facilitate the transfer of data to other users. To learn more about the BCF format, you can check out this article.

To open the annotation menu , click the text icon in the left menu.


Let's take it step by step, the first thing you'll want to do is position yourself correctly in the viewer, as we'll save that position as the one tied to the annotation. Then enter the information of the BCF you want to create

Title : BCF title, primary means of identification of the annotation (required)

Description : Feel free to be specific in your description (Optional)

Responsible : The annotation is assigned to this person, useful when assigning a task. The manager will receive an email upon creation (optional)

Category : use this either to define the type of annotation or to create a group of annotations that will be easier to retrieve. (Default: Other)

Due date : If it's related to something that needs to be done, set the maximum due date. (Optional)

Priority : Is this task/annotation important? (Default: Low)


You can also add tags, this will allow you to find annotations with the same tag more quickly in the edit page, which will allow you to create a kind of group. To add a label, enter the desired text or word and press ENTER. You can also click the Add button, to do the same. Note that if you hold down the CTRL key while pressing ENTER or clicking the Add button, the field text will not be deleted. To remove a tag, just click on it.


You can also add files that will be linked to your annotation, you can add up to 5 files of 25 MB each. Simply click the button and select the files you want to import or directly drag and drop the files onto the button. Click on a file to delete it. You can also edit the image by clicking the camera icon. This will change the image to reflect your current location, if you want to completely change the image go through the edit page by following this article. Once your annotation is ready, click Add to save it.


Now that the annotation has been created, you can open it in 2 ways.

1st solution: open the scene menu and find your annotation, then scroll down and click on the file icon to bring up the info window.

2nd solution: Click on the pin in the viewer and click on the description that will appear just below.


In the information window, you will find:

  • The type of annotation, priority and due date if applicable
  • The description
  • Status, creator, assignee and contact details
  • Keywords
  • The files, click the cloud button to download them, anyone can download the annotation files, even visitors using the public share link .
  • The button to edit the annotation, follow this article for more information
  • Access the comments section


In the comments section, you will find old comments. To add a new comment, type in the field at the top and click POST. To return to the information section, click this button.


In case of problem or difficulty, do not hesitate to contact the platform team.