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Public Sharing in the Edition Page

The main purpose of the cloud is to easily share projects.

How to share a project

Sharing a project depends on the subscription and the number of users you have. To share a project, you have two possibilities:

  • Invite users to the cloud, where they will need to log in with an email address and password (see the article “Invite members to the cloud” for details)
  • Share a project publicly with a URL, members just need to have the URL generated, in order to view the project.

How public sharing works and how to use it

To be able to use public sharing, you need to have an advanced subscription of at least 8 users. Otherwise, you will have limited access to public sharing features or no access at all.

First, go to the settings of the project you want to share.


Click on the public sharing tab on the left side of the panel. After enabling the public sharing, the other options will appear :

You can switch off the public sharing at any time by clicking the “Enable / Disable sharing” button

The expiration date depends on the subscription you have, for example:

  • Freemium: 7 days maximum
  • Standard: 7 days maximum
  • Advanced under 15 users: 100 days maximum
  • Advanced starting from 15 users: unlimited

Once you set the expiration date and activate the switch, a unique URL and embed code (iframe) will be generated. You can copy the share link and send it to your members, so that they can see the project, or you can also use the embed code to add the project to your website, for example.


You also have the possibility of giving access to some of the tools when using the integration code, to do this you can activate them from the switch by clicking on it:

  • Show / Deactivate menu
  • Show / deactivate the tool palette
  • Show / deactivate minimap

If you want, you can add a password protection to you public sharing links. This password will be requesting upon entering the project in public mode, alowing you to protect your data, even with an public link. To set or change the password, simply enter it and click on the check icon to validate it. Password change is instantaneous and there is no time limit before you can change the password again. the link of the public sharing will NOT change when you edit the password.


If you run into any issues, our support team is here to help. Happy exploring!