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Saving Views and Creating Virtual Tours

Before saving visuals, we recommend you checkout how to adjust your point cloud attributes.

Export a snapshot

To export your current viewpoint into a PNG format, simply select the "Snapshot" option in the camera menu.

A window will appear, allowing you to choose the resolution of your image. Click "Screenshot" to download the image onto your computer. Please note that menus will not be included in the exported images.


Save a viewpoint

You can preserve an important viewpoint by utilizing the second option in the camera menu. This action will save the current position of your camera. To access this saved viewpoint, navigate to the project menu, where you can find it listed. Simply double-click on it to teleport to the saved viewpoint.


Video animations

In your projects, it is indeed possible to create video paths, commonly employed to craft virtual tours.
In the images below, you can observe certain elements that have appeared in the viewer.

The green line represents the camera track, indicating the path the camera will follow. The blue line represents the direction in which the camera will look. Lastly, the red cone represents the camera's position and orientation at a specific moment.

In the properties tab, you will encounter the animation settings, where you can determine the duration of the animation (in seconds). The Time slider enables you to adjust the position of the red cone, facilitating preview of its movements and adjustment of the lines accordingly.
To initiate the viewer video animation, click on the play button. To halt the animation, click on the square icon. The two arrows in the middle enable looping of the animation, causing it to restart upon reaching the end.


In the Points tab, you will find the settings for managing lines. Lines are defined by keyframes. By default, there are five keyframes, but you can add as many or as few as you wish, with a minimum of two.

To set a new position for a keyframe, use the first button, which utilizes your current position and orientation. The second button allows you to navigate to a keyframe position. Finally, the last button permits you to delete a keyframe. The "+" button enables you to create a new keyframe. In our example, the highlighted "+" button is positioned between keyframe 0 and keyframe 1, indicating that it will create a new keyframe between those two.



If you run into any issues, our support team is here to help. Happy exploring!