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How do I edit an annotation in the viewer?

First, open the information window, to do this click on the annotation in the viewer and click on the description that will appear below or access the scene menu on your right, select the annotation you want to edit, scroll down and click the file icon.

The annotation information window is now open, at the bottom of it you will find the EDIT button (if you are not using public mode and have the necessary rights), click on it to open the edit window.


This window is the same as the creation window, i.e. you will find:

Title : BCF title, primary means of identification of the annotation (required)

Description : Feel free to be specific in your description (Optional)

Responsible : The annotation is assigned to that person, useful when assigning a task. The manager will receive an email upon creation (optional)

Category : Use this either to define the type of annotation or to create a group of annotations that will be easier to retrieve. (Default: Other)

Due date : If it's related to something that needs to be done, set the maximum due date. (Optional)

Priority : Is this task/annotation important? (Default: Low)

Status : Specific to the edition, it allows changing the state of the annotation

Label : To add a label, type the text or word and press ENTER. You can also click on the "plus" button, which does the same thing. Note that if you hold down the CTRL key while pressing ENTER or clicking the “plus” button, field text will not be emptied. To remove a label, just click on it.


In each annotation you can add up to 5 files of 25 MB each, these files can be in any format, just click on the button to import files or drag and drop them on it. Once a file is loaded, click on it to delete it.

You can also change the image here, click on the white camera icon to take a new photo of your current location. It will take a few seconds for the new image to appear, this new image is not validated until you have validated your modifications. You can switch to a temporary image as many times as you want until it's perfect. You can add a custom image, but this will need to be done through the edit page. If you don't want the 360 bubbles to be displayed in the image, hide them using the top menu, you don't have to worry about annotations, these are not displayed by default.

Finally, click EDIT to save your changes.


You can cancel changes by simply closing the window or clicking Cancel, nothing is saved until you press the EDIT button.


In case of problem or difficulty, do not hesitate to contact the platform team.