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Measuring tools

In the viewer you will find a lot of measurement tools, to find them click the ruler icon.

The sub-menu has now appeared, before getting to the tools we have to talk about the first button, this allows you to switch between measurement units (meters by default).


Before starting with the tools you must know this, the way every tool works is more or less the same, they just allow you to measure different things, you will be manipulating points, to place these points just make a left click on the point cloud or on a model, once a point is placed you can move it by clicking it, hold your left click and drag it where you want. Be informed that the points will always be stick on actual points from the point cloud or surfaces from a model, you can not place measurement points in the void. You might need some practice time to get used to the way moving points works. 

All right, now that this is set, onto the tools !!



Angle :

This tool allows you to measure angles, you will by manipulating a triangle, allowing you to measure any angle you want.


Additional information : In the scene menu, on the right, you will find the position for each of the triangle's points as well as the angles. You will be able to copy the position of each point.



Point :

This tool allows you to get a point's position.


Additional information : You can easily copy the position through the scene menu.



Distance :

This tool is actually divided into 2 sub-tools. The first one is the simple distance measurement. You can drop down as many points as you want and will be able to see the distance between each point.


The second one is very similar except for one thing. It only measures horizontal distances (see image below)


Additional information : For both distance tools, you will find very useful tools in the scene menu. You will be able to add points to an existing measurement, at the beginning, at the end and even in between points. You can also delete only certain points and copy their positions. You will also find a list of all distances as well as a total distance for the whole measurement.



Delta :

This tool allows you to measure a height with way more precision than what you could do with the distance tool, with this tool, place your first point anywhere at the bottom of your element (floor / road etc.), the second on at the top and the tool will automatically get the vertical distance between the two points without taking in account if the two points are placed exactly one above the other.


Additional information : In the scene menu, you will find the same options as for distances. You will be able to add points to an existing measurement, at the beginning, at the end and even in between points. You can also delete only certain points and copy their positions. You will also find a list of all distances as well as a total distance for the whole measurement. And yes I did say distance, the total does not represent the total height.




Diameter :

This tool allows you to get a circle's radius.


Additional information : In the scene menu you will find each point position as well as the center of the circle, the radius and the circumference.



Area :

Similar to the distance measurement, this tool is also divided in 2, the first one is the basic floor surface measurement tool, allowing you to drop points wherever you want and calculating the area inside as well as distances between each point.


The second one is a little more tricky to use, it allows you to measure distances and areas following a plan. Plan that will be defined by your 3 first points. Once these original points are dropped, it is impossible to change the plan for that measurement. This means you must be very precise when dropping these first points. Our recommendation regarding this is finding clear areas on the point cloud that will define your plan, the center of the roof for example. Drop your first 3 points not too far from each other to make sure that you are setting up the plan correctly and then move them to the actual position you want them at (the edges of the roof for example). Then open the scene menu and add as many points as you need and finally, place these new points as well.


The Plane area measurement is the only one that allows you to have points that are not attached to a point cloud or a model. Once a plan has been made, you can add new points anywhere on the plan, even outside of the visible resources. However, you will always need to use a point cloud or a model to initialize the plan.


Additional information : In the scene menu of each tool you will find options to add new points to the existing measurement and will also be able to delete some if needed. You will also find the total surface area.



Volume :

This tool allows you to measure a volume, this is the only tool in here that doesn't work exactly the same way as the others, here we are not playing with points but with axis, it is also the only tool that you can entirely use in the air without being forced by the point cloud. To play with the box you have a dot at the end of each axis, grab and drag these dots to change the box's size, you can also see 3 quarters of circles, grab and drag these to rotate the box. Getting good at manipulating this tool will definitely take some time, so don't be afraid to try things with it to get used to it.

Onto the good practices, the first thing you will want to do is place the volume's bottom correctly, orientation and pitch in the order that you like. Once this is done you can get to the next step, placing the box the way you want it, the right width and at the right position. When this is done, just make it the right height and there you go, your box is set. Obviously depending on what you are planning to do with the volume this procedure might change but you should always try to keep this 3-step process in your mind for an easy use of this tool.


Additional information : In the scene menu you will find the position of the volume based on it's center, under you will find the rotation for each axis and finally the length of each axis



Delete all measurements :

This tool allows you to delete every measurement currently present in the viewer, no matter the type. If you created a version that included the measurement you deleted, that version will still have these measurements. Only future versions will not include the measurements.


In case of any problem or difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact the platform's team.