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Save visuals in the viewer (Animations, camera positions and images)

Animation video

Let's start with the first option, video animation. This will allow you to create a path that can be followed by a camera to make virtual tours of your project.

To get started, open the camera menu and select the video path option.


Open the scene menu on the right and scroll all the way down to select your animation.


Ok, before moving on to the next step, let's take some time to explain how this works. The green line symbolizes the camera path, the blue one is the camera focus path (where the camera will look) and the red pyramid is the camera field of view, it is a representation of this that she will see. You can also see that there are 5 dots on the green and blue lines, each dot is part of a pair, the first green goes with the first blue, the second green goes with the second blue and so on.

You can click and drag each of these dots to move them around, play around with them to change the camera path, don't forget to also change the blue line to make your camera look the way you want. Also, you will see that there is a second way to move these points, more on that later in the article. We recommend using the latter, so keep reading!


You will find many options in the properties' category, let's see them all.

  • The + button allows you to add a new pair of points where you click on it (if you click before the 1st image, it will be added before, if you click on the one below, it will add it after), to add a new pair of points, you can also press P, it will be added after the last pair of points (note that you must have the animation path selected in the Object menu for this feature to work).


  • Click and hold the arrow button to move the keyframe, this allows you to change the tour order.
  • The = button allows you to place the keyframe where you are currently looking, this can be translated as a "place here" option.
  • The square button allows you to move your camera to where the keyframe is, this is a preview of the position, this can be translated as a "go to" option.
  • You can change the name of the keyframe by clicking on it.
  • The trash button allows you to delete the keyframe.


  • The next option is Duration, this lets you select how long the path should take to complete from start to finish, the value is in seconds.


  • You will then find the Time option, allowing you to preview the movements of the camera along the way thanks to the red pyramid.


  • You can start the animation with the play button.
  • The arrows button activates the replay, once the animation is finished, it starts again automatically, useful for project displays.
  • The square button allows you to stop the animation at its current position.
  • The trash can icon allows you to delete the entire animation.



If you want to record your animation, you can use any recorder of your choice. On Windows, the easiest way is to use the command Windows + ALT + R. It will automatically start a recording which will be available on your computer. Use the same shortcut to stop recording.

Press Windows + G to find your recordings.


Camera Backup

Now let's move on to the second tool, this is the camera tool, it allows you to save camera positions, so you can easily come back to them later.

It's really easy to use, just navigate to the location you want to save for later, click the camera icon in the camera menu. Then enter the camera name and that's it.


Open the scene menu and click on your camera to access the options. Double-click your camera to teleport there.

Here you can see and copy the camera position and where it is looking, you can also delete it.



Export an image

Finally, you can export an image directly to your computer, move to where you want to create your image. You can change the viewer settings to improve the visual of your point cloud. Once you are happy with your position and your point cloud and/or models. Go to the left menu, open the camera options and click on the save icon.


Open export menu, select your image quality, 720p, 1080p, 4k or custom.

If you selected the latter, enter the desired height and width.


Otherwise, just click the download button to export your image.


You will find your image in the downloads of your computers with the following name {project name}\_{resolution}.jpg



In case of problem or difficulty, do not hesitate to contact the platform team.