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Editing an Annotation in the Project Edition Page

First of all, let's access the edition page, you will find it by clicking on the cog on top of your project card.


Then, access the BCF tab and find your annotation by using the filter and sorting options, or by just scrolling until you find it.



Let's look at it column by column and explain everything


1st column :

Here you can see your annotation's image, click the change image text or icon to change the image for a custom one.

Right under it is the annotation's position.

Below you will find 3 buttons :

  • Save annotation : use this to save changes you've made to your annotation (useful only if the “not saved” pin is present, see the image below)
  • Go to annotation : use this to open the viewer in the last version this annotation is available in, directly onto this annotation's position.
  • Delete annotation : use this to delete the annotation completely (warning, this is a one way road, once an annotation is deleted, the only way to get it back is if you saved it as a BCF earlier)


2nd column :

The first 2 information are not editable directly, the creator can never be changed, the last editor will automatically be changed to the last person that pressed “save annotation”. For each line you will find 2 information, the user and the date. For the creator it is going to be the creation date, for the editor, the last edition date.

The creator and last editor can be represented under 3 forms :

  • Firstname + Lastname : the user has an account on the platform.
  • Email : the user has been invited on the platform but has not yet finished his account creation.
  • Email with a star : the user doesn't have an account on the platform and has not been invited.


If you put your mouse over the user's name, a text will show you his email.

You can then select or change the responsible for of this annotation.

If you press the description creation/edition, the description window will pop up and allow you to change it.

You can then change the title, type, add labels, edit the priority, the due date and the state.
When adding labels, you will have to press ENTER to validate your text, holding down CTRL while doing so will prevent the text in the input from being erased.

You can open the comment window by clicking the See comments button.


In this window you will be able to see previous comments, add new ones and edit your old comments, note that as we speak this is not a live discussion, if multiple users write comments at the same time, the page will have to be reloaded for the new comments to show up. Also note that comments can't be deleted once they are sent, they can only be modified.


3rd column :

Here you can change the versions that the annotation is going to be present in, select a version to add it to the list, click the cross to remove it. You can use the 2 buttons at the top-right to add all versions to the list or remove them all. To remove a version, click on the cross right next to its name. If the annotation is not present in any version, you will still be able to find it in the base version, which contains all of them.

It is important to understand the difference between present in the version and visible in the version. A present annotation means that you will find it in your scene menu while in this version, but while it is present it can be visible or invisible in the viewer (checked or unchecked in the scene menu). This menu only allows you to manage the presence of the annotations, not their visibility, this will have to be done in the viewer directly.

You can also manage your files here, add new ones (up to 5 and not heavier than 25 MB each), download them onto your computer and delete the ones that you don't need anymore. All of these files can also be found in the “files” tab under the “other-files” category.



If you have any problem or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact the platform's team.