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Change Project Information

First you will need to access the project's edition page, you can do this by clicking the cog icon situated at the top of every project in the "Projects" page, you can also access this page by clicking the "edit" button on the dashboard page. Warning, you might not be able to access the edition page of every project as it will depend on your permissions regarding this project. You might also not be able to see every box on this page as it will once again depend on your permissions. For more information please see the "Grant a project permission to members" article.


How to change the name ?

To change the project's name just click on the current name and modify or replace it with the new one, then press "Enter" to validate your choice.


How to change the position ?

On the right side you have a map containing the current project's position, if you wish to modify this position you can either click the map where you want your project to be moved, or you can use the search bar to look for a city. Then, just press "Validate" to save your changes.


How to change the picture ?

The project's picture is automatically set the first time you open the viewer, however if you wish to change it, it is possible, to do this action just click the "Choose File" button at the bottom of the "Overall" sub-page

This will open a window where you will be able to choose a picture from your computer, double-click the image you want to use, this will open a cropping menu that will allow you to select the portion of the image you want to have, once you are happy with the result just click "Validate" to save the new picture. If you wish to change the selected image, either validate the current one and do the procedure again to change it again or reload the page by pressing "F5" on your keyboard or by clicking the reload icon at the top left of your browser.


You can also change the project's image directly from the viewer, simply position yourself where you want the screenshot to be taken, open the camera menu and click the 3rd option.

That's it, the image has been changed !


If you have any problem or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact the platform's team.