

Collaborative mode

In this article, you will discover the collaborative mode of the viewer.


Collaborative mode allows you to be with other members in the same viewer and see everyone's modifications/movements in real time. To ensure that everything goes as planned, we advise you to choose a group leader, this person will be the one who will save the versions of the project. Also note that this feature only works for logged in members, sharing a project publicly will not allow logged out users to access collaborative mode.


Collaborative mode is very simple to use, just click on the dedicated button on the right panel.

A window will appear on the left of your screen, enter the name of the session you want to use, you can use any name you want, with letters, numbers and special characters. When you're ready, click Connect. If the session does not exist, it will be created, if it does exist, you will be connected to the users who are already in this session.


Once you're in a collaborative session, you'll be able to see other users moving around, you'll also see any actions they're taking, and they'll see yours. For example, if you drop measurements, clip boxes, annotations, animations, etc., everyone in the session will see each other's actions.
You can teleport to another user by clicking on their icon. Ultimately, you can log out of the session at any time. Don't forget to ask someone to save a version before leaving the session.


If you run into any issues, our support team is here to help. Happy exploring!

Were these informations useful to you ?
Creator : Alexis Helper
Creation date : 20/02/2024

Invite members in the cloud

Assign a rank to a user

Grant project access to members

Grant project permission to members

Change project's information

Create a project

Better understand E57 files

Accepted file types

Viewer's Cube, Map and Performance indicator

Public sharing

Adding files

Download 360 ° images from a source

Give support access

Project transfer

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Plug-in Autodesk REVIT

REVIT collaboration

Version system

Edit the project hierarchy

Appearance settings

Load resources in the viewer

Version system

Save visuals in the viewer (Animations, camera positions and images)

Point of view

Measuring tools

Features (settings menu)

Navigation modes

Zone export

Interact with 360° images

Point cloud properties

Clipping Box

Point cloud attributes

Keyboard shortcuts

How to use the viewer with a mobile device ?

Exporting 360° images from Trimble RealWorks

Compare your point cloud with a 3D model

Collaborative mode

Interact with resources

XYZ files


Calculate Density

Height Profile

Interact with DXF files

Calculate Density

Navigation modes

Exporting zones

Point cloud properties

Point cloud attributes

Clipping Box

Load source/resources in the viewer

Point of view

Viewer map, compass/cube and performance indicator

Measuring tools

Interact with resources

Save visuals in the viewer (Animations, camera positions and images)

Export an orthoimage

Compare your point cloud with a 3D model

Cutting plane

Interact with DXF files

Automatically align a 3D model with a point cloud

How to manage annotations in the viewer ?

Visualize your projects and take measurements in VR

Import / Export measures

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