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Changing Your Personal Information

If you are looking to change your password, check out this article instead.


First go to your profile page. You have two options for this via the menu on the left or use the profile option in the top right menu.

Then get to the account tab if you are not already there.


At the top, you can verify that you are connected to the correct account by looking at the email.

Your rank in the company will be displayed here, if you are part of multiple companies, you can use the select to change to company, this will allow you to see your rank for each of them.


You can also change your Firstname and Lastname. Don't forget to click validate to save your changes.


Same goes with your birthdate, language and display theme (more information on the display below)

  • The birthdate is automatically updated
  • You will have to save the language and display independently


You can also change the language from any page using the option at the bottom of the left menu.


Same goes for the theme displayed, use the option at the bottom of the left menu. You will find a list of the different option here :

  • Default, dark menu with light page
  • Default Inverted, light menu with dark page
  • Dark, all dark
  • Light, all is light
  • Color, the platform's color menu and a light page
  • Color & dark, platform color menu and dark page



You can also change your profile picture. To do this, either click on your current profile picture or on the camera symbol.


When you do this, your computer files will open. Select an image by double-clicking it or click it once and then click "open".

The "cropper" has now appeared. Select the image size and click Validate once you are satisfied with the size of your image.


Your profile picture has been changed !!


If you have any problem or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact the platform's team.