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Exporting 360° Images from Faro SCENE

Faro SCENE is point cloud processing and analysis software for 3D laser scanning professionals where you get automated tools and point cloud-specific workflows that allow users to import data from point clouds, then quickly process, analyze and create high-quality customer deliverables.

Faro SCENE allows you to view and export 360° images of your stations. Before you start, make sure your stations have 360° images (you can try by entering the bubble view).

Export 360° images

1. Once you have completed the processing and saving process, open the " Export " using the icon in the toolbar at the top right of the window


2. Right-click on the "Scans" folder where you have the stations, and click Scan Resolution (to create images from point clouds) or Full Color Resolution (to export only true 360 images)


3. Select folder for exporting images


This process may take a few minutes. It depends on the quality of the images and the number of images to be exported. Once done, you can go to the output folder and find the images.

To learn how to import 360° images into your project, please read this article. ( Please note, if you add 360 images to an e57 file, it must be structured with the status active (visible on the viewer) and you must have kept the e57 file during the upload).


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the technical team.