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Exporting 360° Images from Trimble RealWorks

RealWorks is a point cloud processing and analysis software for 3D laser scanning professionals where you have automated tools and point cloud specific workflows which allow users to import point cloud data, then quickly process, analyze and create high quality customer deliverables.

Realworks allows you to visualize and export the 360° images of your stations. Before starting, please make sure that your stations do have 360° images (you can try by entering the bubble view from Realworks).

Export 360° Images

1. Select the whole project.

2. Click on the "Export" icon located on the top left of the window and then click "Export TZF Images". You may get a warning that the whole current project has been selected, if so, click "Yes".


3. Choose the output folder and click "OK".


4. You can choose if you want the images with colors or Intensity (luminance only) or both, and then click "OK".


This process can take few minutes. It depends on the quality of the images and on the number of images to export. Once it is done, you can go to the output folder and find the images.

To learn how to import the 360° images to your project, please read the article add 360° images.


If you have any question or need any further information, please contact the technical team.