

Point cloud properties

In this article, you will find out which properties can be modified for each point cloud.


To edit a point cloud's properties, open the project menu and select your point cloud. Then, make sure the properties tab is active. You will be able to change its opacity, the position and rotation will be locked by default, to make sure that you don't move a georeferenced point cloud by mistake. You can unlock the position and rotation by heading over to the Actions tab and selecting “Transform to resource”, only then, will you be able to move your point cloud freely.


Learn about point cloud attributes in this article.


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Were these informations useful to you ?
Creator : Alexis Helper
Creation date : 08/02/2024

Better understand E57 files

Appearance settings

Accepted file types

Load resources in the viewer

Save visuals in the viewer (Animations, camera positions and images)

Point of view

Measuring tools

Navigation modes

Zone export

Interact with 360° images

Point cloud properties

Clipping Box

Point cloud attributes

Keyboard shortcuts

Adding files

Compare your point cloud with a 3D model

Download 360 ° images from a source

Import NavVis dataset with panoramic images

Import a ReCap project on the platform

Interact with resources

XYZ files

Calculate Density

Cutting plane

Automatically align a 3D model with a point cloud

Height Profile

Calculate Density

Navigation modes

Exporting zones

Point cloud attributes

Clipping Box

Load source/resources in the viewer

Interact with resources

Compare your point cloud with a 3D model

Automatically align a 3D model with a point cloud

Version system

Features (settings menu)

Public sharing

How to use the viewer with a mobile device ?

Exporting 360° images from Trimble RealWorks

Collaborative mode


Interact with DXF files

Version system

Point of view

Viewer map, compass/cube and performance indicator

Measuring tools

Save visuals in the viewer (Animations, camera positions and images)

Export an orthoimage

Cutting plane

Interact with DXF files

Collaborative mode

How to manage annotations in the viewer ?

Edit the project hierarchy

Visualize your projects and take measurements in VR

Import / Export measures

Viewer's Cube, Map and Performance indicator

Material recommendation

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