

Point of view

In this article, you will learn how to use the different viewpoint shortcuts that can be found around the viewer.


The first option is the Global View button, clicking on it will change your position so that every point in the project is inside your view. If you are very close to the project it will zoom you out, if you are far away it will zoom you in.


Eventually, you can also use the rotation indicator or the cube. If the rotation indicator is enabled, you can click on one of the points to set your view to the corresponding position. If you are using the cube, you can directly click on its faces to do the same thing.


You can activate the orientation assistant by opening the settings menu located at the bottom right of your page. In the General tab, you will find an option to select the assistant you prefer and its position.


If you run into any issues, our support team is here to help. Happy exploring!

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Creator : Alexis Helper
Creation date : 08/02/2024

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