

Invite members in the cloud

In this article, you'll learn how to invite members to your account.


To be able to invite someone in a company, you must be at least a manager in this company. You can verify your role in any of your companies by checking out your profile.

First, open the User management window situated in the company menu. Enter all emails that you wish to invite (use enter, tab or comma to separate them). Then, click Send invitation(s).  Alternatively, if you have a lot of emails you can import a CSV file containing all the emails, one row per email.


Invited members will receive an email and will need to complete their profile in order to use the platform. To see every member who has accepted the invitation or who are pending, you can scroll down until you reach the user list.

If a member has difficulty receiving the mail, you can use the blue buttons in the actions column, the first one allows you to copy the link so you can send it directly. The second one allows you to resend the account creation email

You don't have to wait for a member to finish creating their account to start assigning them company roles and projects along with rights.


In case of problems or difficulties, do not hesitate to contact the platform team.

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Editor : Alexis Helper
Creator : Alexis Helper
Last modification : 28/08/2023

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